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Which programming language to learn first?

The most common question among the new programmers is which programming language to learn first. There are many programming languages to start with, but learning according to the need and time is essential. A new computer science student can aspire to go to different fields, and that's where the trick comes to picking the required language. Generally, a student who aspires to grow in competitive programming and game development can take C++ as a language. For AI and robotics, one can choose python as a programming language. But as a beginner to start with a language that is slightly tougher language can easily demotivate and can become the cause to lose interest in programming and eventually quit programming. By understanding the programming language and being able to create programs using the language can be a considerable boost and motivate to learn and go deep into coding.

1. Python

According to many surveys, python is the most popular and favorite programming language to learn as a first programming language. Python is something where you can do scripting very easily. And when you do scripting, you get more and more interest in coding, and it opens lots of opportunities for you because you can do web development, GUI development, and normal scripting by using only python. 

It is easier to learn because pyhton language focuses on code readability and is often used in English words. It's recognized for using a lot of whitespaces, which makes it less scary. It has a number of libraries for a variety of purposes. It is backed up by a large community of programmers who are more than likely to have the answers to all of your questions.

2. Java

Why Java? Because if you want to learn android development, then Java is the go-to language. I know there is Kotlin and flutter in the market, which are great for android development but if you want to learn it with a good grasp and if you think that you are new to programming and don't know about the basics, then starting with Java programming is a very good choice. Even when universities teach their students to object-oriented programming, they take Java as their preferred language.

Java is a well-structured, object-oriented programming language that is suitable for novices. Because there are numerous procedures that operate automatically, you can master them quickly. You don't have to go into great detail on "how things operate in there." Java is a platform-independent programming language.

An easy-to-understand syntax that is both concise and beginner-friendly. It's a very regimented language with very little space for error. It's even easier if you've worked with object-oriented programming before.

3. C++

C is the most widely used and oldest programming language, and it provides the foundation for other languages such as C#, Java, and JavaScript. C++ is a more advanced version of the C programming language. Many developers today ignore C entirely, while others believe that understanding C first gives a solid basis for C++ programming. In computer science and programming, both languages are frequently used. 

C++ is very close to hardware and CPU. If you want to work something with your programing where you need the least amount of time for the program to work and if you're going to do something where you need resources, for example, game development and microcontroller programming, then C++ is the best option. Again, for competitive programming C++ is the go-to language.


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