
Which programming language to learn first?

The most common question among the new programmers is which programming language to learn first. There are many programming languages to start with, but learning according to the need and time is essential. A new computer science student can aspire to go to different fields, and that's where the trick comes to picking the required language. Generally, a student who aspires to grow in competitive programming and game development can take C++ as a language. For AI and robotics, one can choose python as a programming language. But as a beginner to start with a language that is slightly tougher language can easily demotivate and can become the cause to lose interest in programming and eventually quit programming. By understanding the programming language and being able to create programs using the language can be a considerable boost and motivate to learn and go deep into coding. 1. Python According to many surveys, python is the most popular and favorite programming language to learn
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